Aside from formal qualifications, a combined skill set that is both diverse and unique, and decades of experience across a broad range of industries, the team at Landloch has a distinctive commitment to helping their clients. First and foremost, there is an insistence on applying the best possible science. Second rate science is unacceptable, as it will always deliver poor outcomes and cost clients money when it has to be rectified. Secondly, our staff are determined to deliver advice that is not simply useful and that precisely addresses the client's problem, but that is actually put into practice. We provide advice that is practical, and we are able to recommend not just what to do, but how to do it as well. Dialogue with, and mentoring of clients are also standard practice, as the Landloch team know that the best outcomes are achieved when clients understand why certain recommendations have been made, and how to ultimately implement them to achieve a specific, measurable outcome. The Landloch team combine research data and concepts that are grounded in leading scientific method, and use that data to develop models and designs that assist you to achieve your objectives. Flexibility, creativity and the ability to "think outside the box" are integral to achieving the results you want. This is the Landloch difference.
Evan Howard
Evan is the Managing Director and a Principal Consultant at Landloch, and has been with the company since 2005. He holds a Bachelor of Environmental Science and has been recognised as Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS) since 2011. Evan is based in Perth and has practical experience in land and water management in the fields of soil and unmineralised waste characterisation, mine site landform rehabilitation designs, landform capping designs, erosion assessments, erosion modelling, landform evolution modelling, and water and solute balance modelling. He has practical experience in the mining, urban development, and agricultural sectors. |
Tim Loch
Tim is Landloch’s Operations Manager and has over 20 years of professional experience in environmental management in the mining, construction and technical fields. He has a strong background in on-site environmental management, having worked at more than 60 different mining and construction sites across Australia and internationally. Tim works independently and also manages teams of field workers for Landloch projects. His experience encompasses erosion and sediment control planning, installation and auditing, soil survey, rehabilitation works (site preparation, seeding), runoff and erosion measurement using simulated rainfall, installation of erosion monitoring systems, weed control, and a diverse range of environmental monitoring tasks (soil, water, flora and fauna, rehabilitation, etc.). Tim has previously provided direction and oversight to teams undertaking erosion and sediment control works on significant construction projects (pipeline and Coal Seam Gas infrastructure). |
Isaac Kelder
Isaac is a Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS) and erosion modeller of 10 years’ consulting experience, with a specialty in soil survey, land capability, landform design and erosional stability assessments in the mining sector. Isaac leads field programs for mapping and classification of soils and waste materials across a range of industries throughout Australia. This includes baseline soil assessments for mining proposals, through to detailed land capability and suitability assessments for infrastructure and agricultural industries. Additionally, his skillset includes the use of erosion models to assess the erosional stability of landscapes and landforms. This includes interpreting material characterisation data to determine stable batter geometries. He can then use these design rules to develop 3-D rehabilitation designs based on the erosional properties of the materials present on the outer surface. Isaac is an expert in long-term landform evolution modelling, with outcomes used to predict the change in landform shape and erosional stability in response to erosional processes over timescales from tens to thousands of years. Isaac has conducted erosion modelling for mining proposals, order of magnitude, conceptual, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies to inform landform design decisions. Outcomes of his work have provided guidance for the design and construction of erosionally stable landforms for mine sites across Australia and internationally. |
Mark Crawford
Mark has over 15 years’ experience in the research and application of land management, soil conservation, and land evaluation. He has extensive expertise in the assessment and characterisation of agricultural land across Queensland and New South Wales. Mark is recognised as a Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS) and was also president of the Soil Science Australia (SSA) – Queensland Branch. Mark has recently moved across from a role within the Queensland Government as a practicing land resource officer. During his 10-year employment he gained a wide range of experience in a variety of landscapes within Queensland. In addition to soil survey, he has undertaken irrigation salinity risk assessments, water use efficiency vegetation studies, electromagnetic induction (EMI) surveys, and tillage impacts studies. He completed a Bachelor of Land and Water Science from the University of Sydney in 2003 and a Master of Science in soil suitability for wheat production in 2009. |
Christine Lison
Christine has over nine years’ experience as an environmental scientist. Leveraging experience in both academia and industry, Christine adopts a multi-disciplinary approach to developing solutions for technical environmental problems. She has led numerous studies and trials on materials (soils, waste rock and tailings), including geochemical investigative test work and erodibility testing, to determine suitability of materials for rehabilitation and mine closure. Christine obtained a background in plant and soil science through completion of a Bachelor of Agribusiness (Curtin University) and Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Assessment and Management (Murdoch University). In 2020, Christine also completed a Masters in Philosophy that focused on optimisation of topsoil and waste rock cover mixes in semi-arid and arid environments. |
Lyndon McGrath
Lyndon has over 11 years’ professional experience in environmental management throughout the mining, agriculture, construction industries and consulting fields. With strong foundations in vegetation and soil science, Lyndon has consulted in areas of erosion and sediment control, soil survey, land rehabilitation, plant identification, land capability survey, environmental reporting and a wide range of environmental monitoring tasks (including soil, water, flora and rehabilitation). Lyndon has conducted environmental assessments over a wide variety of challenging environments through the Northern Territory, Western Australia, Queensland and New South Wales. He has recently been involved in characterising potential growth media as part of Progressive Rehabilitation and Closure Plans across QLD mine sites and where required overcoming shortfalls in available growth media using soil science and practical solutions. For the NSW RMS Woolgoolga to Ballina Highway Upgrade Project, he has developed a new monitoring methodology which has shown positive effects on the quality of rehabilitation achieved. Lyndon is a Certified Professional Soil Scientist (CPSS). |